Document. Exhorts. Writs. Official letters. Management in registers of property and commerce. Publication of edicts and official announcements in press. Control over recuperations, auctions, possessions and seizures.

Tax consultants Individuals & Companies

Whatever kind of tax advice you are seeking, our well-trained and highly-experienced tax accountants are here to help. We can advise and guide you on all manner of Spanish taxes, from self-employment tax payable by autónomos (self-employed individuals), through corporation tax, income tax and VAT tax, to wealth tax.

In addition to tax advice, we also offer comprehensive year-round tax management services tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. Whether you are a resident or non-resident in Spain, our tax planning and accountancy services ensure all your tax obligations in Spain are taken care of throughout the year

Real Estate law

The real estate team of Juan Domingo & abogados consists of the best professionals in the different practice areas involved in this type of case.

They form a multidisciplinary team of professionals  with wide-ranging experience & with a proven track record of resolving all property related matters with great success for our clients.
The real estate team of our law firm works with all the laws and regulations that deal with real estate industry as defined by property law, legislation, valuations, surveys & property investment.

At Juan Doomingo & abogados we meet the needs of our clients with regards to conception, planning, development and operation of real estate projects of all types. 

In addition, we offer our services of legal advice and assistance to owners, buyers, developers and construction companies nationally and internationally. 

At the same time, our law firm makes comprehensive legal assistance available to you, extending from initial stage to conclusion, and including the planning and granting of the appropriate guarantees and financing, depending on each case.

John Graham our UK qualified Surveyor provides our private & investor clients with a full range of professional services in residential & commercial properties in Spain & the UK. Including Sales & Marketing of Residential & Commercial properties for our Private clients & Investors/Developers.

Our lawyers are experts in Property law, including Planning, Tax and Environmental Departments. 

We offer advice on all issues related to real estate with an emphasis on the purchase and sale, development, construction, investment, tax, financing and leasing of all types of real estate  property. Further, our professional advice addresses all of the stages in the  process.

COURT PROCEDURE in Civil & Trade Litigation

Our law firm acts in claims heard in the courts and in disputes that are handled by the majority of sectors and areas of business. In addition, we are experts in advising on and acting in all types of appeals, stages and instances of the courts and tribunals.

It should be added that we also have a preventative service, characterised by the preparation of analysis centred on potentially litigious issues. Further, we plan and implement diverse strategies to identify and avoid possible adverse situations arising from contentious proceedings. Given the particular nature of these cases, at we are conscious of the commitment that may be required, and thus we offer our clients numerous professionals, specialising in areas such as employment, criminal and motoring.

The two-fold influence of banking law is evident. On the one hand it includes the laws that affect banking institutions, which are the subject of this activity, and on the other hand it brings together the laws that impact on the activity carried out by the bank, and on its financial products.

At Juan Domingo & abogados we also bear in mind that there is specialised regulation depending on the type of financial entity involved in the process. Further, we are also aware of the guarantees established by the state in favour of bank customers. Thus, we implement our strategy, taking into account all the elements critical to the preparation of our client’s case.

Looking at the current economic and social situation, together with recent continuous changes to the legislation and case law in favour of consumers and users, attention is required in this type of case, accompanied by maximum research and dedication in each of them.

Criminal Law

If you are involved in criminal proceedings in Spain, even indirectly, regardless of the apparent seriousness of the case, you are likely to feel worried.

This is only normal, as a criminal case can end with a conviction and a custodial sentence.

It is important that you choose to be represented by professionals who understand the criminal law process in Spain so as to avoid, or at least lessen, the conviction term passed in the sentence.

Spain is a popular destination for tourists who arrive in their millions every year. As would be expected many offences in varying degrees of severity are committed by foreign visitors.

To make matters worse the Spanish Criminal Code is notably intricate, with arcane language and a complicated system of calculating the penalties and fines.

You should call a solicitor even after a prompt release, because it is very likely that the case will progress at Court and eventually the charges will be pushed, the accusation issued and the trial called (these entire phases take place even for minor offences).

It does happen that a person who was arrested in Spain for public disorder in 2013 (for example) is released and returns home.

They have forgotten the events and carried on with their life, so then in 2015 (two years later) when a citation to attend a trial against them is received it all comes as a shock.

Legal Responsibilities for Logistic matters, Trade & Commerce

In matters of transport and logistics, Juan Domingo & abogados offers specialist legal advice aimed at companies related to transport, particularly sea  transport (roads and railways), and logistical operations firms, both nationally and internationally. What is more, we offer advice and assistance to any business which uses those means of transport.

Our law firm has absolute command of the advice applicable to the formation of contracts and insurance for land transport, as well as the supply of logistical services and investment aimed at expansion of the business.

Some of the services offered, and which relate to land transport, are the financing, leasing, renting and purchase and sale of wheeled vehicles, licences and authorisations for the transport of goods or passengers, and mergers and acquisitions of transport firms or goods transport operators.

As regards logistics, we offer advice to our clients in a wide range of situations of which, in addition to mergers and acquisitions of logistics firms, the most noteworthy are business co-operation between operators, goods and warehouse insurance, and administrative, court, employment and arbitration proceedings.

For all those reasons, we recommend you rely on Juan Domingo & abogados . Our lawyers are the best professionals, who will handle your case with the personalised attention it deserves.

Labour law, dismissals and incapacities

As an example, our firm offers advice on work harassment, modification in working conditions (working day, displacements, salaries, reduction of working days), temporal incapacity situation and redundancy, work accidents and incapacities (total and absolute permanents).

We deal also with cases in which exist incapacities and its compensation and early retirement.

The firm will represent you in Court in cases of dismissals, ERE, ERTE, trade union proceedings, workplace bullying, strike actions, exclusivity agreements, confidentiality agreements, labour auditing processes, social security cases, etc.